The relevant statement was made by Spokesperson for the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Yurii Ihnat during a nationwide telethon, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.
"The first reason is that they want to defeat us. It is clear they want to impose certain conditions, they want to make us negotiate," Ihnat told.
Meanwhile, massive missile attacks do not indicate a new broad front offensive at the moment, Ihnat added. Offensive actions are now taking place in the Bakhmut direction and the Avdiivka direction only.
"It is, probably, too early to speak of a noticeable offensive. But, we can see that fierce hostilities are taking place in the Donbas. The [front] line has somewhat stabilized. Now the contact line is the Dnieper. It is obvious that the enemy is conducting offensive actions in the Bakhmut and Avdiivka directions. Can it be a broader offensive? Time will tell," Ihnat explained.
In his words, Russians are using reserves they had had on the southern front. The enemy is redeploying them to the eastern direction, as well as some weapons from Belarus.
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