kremlin admitted strikes on Ukraine’s infrastructure are aimed at persuading Kyiv to negotiate

putin, the dictator of russia's aggressor country, said that due to Zelensky's refusal to negotiate, Ukraine now suffers from a lack of light and heat in many areas of the country's regions

This was stated by the press secretary of the President of the russian Ffederation, Dmytro Peskov, quoted by the russian Interfax.

kremlin's spokesman said that the missile strikes are aimed at the infrastructure facilities of Ukraine, which are allegedly "directly or indirectly related to its military potential."

Peskov said that the lack of light and heat in many areas of Ukraine is the result of the actions of the Kyiv authorities. After all, they refuse to negotiate.

"The reluctance of the Ukrainian side to solve the problem, to enter into negotiations, and even more so, the actions of the Ukrainian side regarding the refusal of the agreed understandings of the text and so on — these are all the consequences, and we also need to talk about this," the kremlin spokesman said.

As Rubryka wrote, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said that it is very important for Ukraine and russia to create conditions for the renewal of negotiations to end the war. Still, the main factor for negotiations is the restoration of the integrity of our state within internationally recognized borders.

The President's Office believes that russia will change its rhetoric about negotiations after the liberation of Donetsk or Luhansk.

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