Ukraine's Minister of Digital Transformation, Mykhailo Fedorov, stated this during the Kyiv International Economic Forum, EP writes.
The minister says: "If we talk about what is happening during the war, we have already been able to launch (business, state, public organizations) many products that we can be proud of."
Fedorov explains that during the war, many Ukrainians working in IT began to adapt their skills to solve the tasks and challenges arising now.
"All this is transformed into individual products that have export potential after the war," he added.
The head of the Ministry of Digital Transformation singled out four directions that have great export potential:
Fedorov summed up: "The expertise is unique; there is none like it in the world. And it is very important that entrepreneurs and businesses create all this expertise in interaction with the state. The products created are Ukrainian and will be scaled later."
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