Missile incident in Poland: Ukrainian Air Force will contribute to investigation as much as possible

Ukraine's Air Force has assured that it is ready to provide all the materials and specialists to establish the truth in the incident with the fall of a missile in Poland, which took the lives of two peaceful residents of the village of Przewodów

This was announced by the spokesman of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Air Force, Yuriy Ignat, on the air of TV channel 24.

"An appropriate investigation is underway. The Air Force will contribute as much as possible, specialists will be involved, if necessary, and we will provide certain materials.

Because the situation is really resonant, and this is not the first time.

There was an incident in Moldova a few weeks ago. russian missiles that attacked Ukraine flew through the airspace of the sovereign Republic of Moldova, were shot down by our air defense, flew over the Ukrainian border with Moldova, and fell on Moldovan territory.

Plus, russian drones are operating unceremoniously near the Romanian border.

And this is a NATO member; there are already completely different challenges and priorities," the spokesman of the Air Force emphasized.

Ignat noted that relevant commissions and groups are working at the site of the debris, which will identify and determine the type of missile (or missiles).

The spokesman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine hopes that the above-mentioned incident will be quickly given a legal assessment.

He emphasized that Ukraine is only defending itself against enemy missile attacks. On November 15, 15 cruise missiles were destroyed by the Western Air Command in that region alone (10 in Lviv Oblast).

As Rubryka wrote, on November 15, the russian occupying forces fired about a hundred rockets across Ukraine. This is more than was launched by the invaders during a massive missile strike on October 10, when they directed 84 missiles at Ukraine.


We will remind you that on November 15, russia massively attacked the country with missiles.

In addition to Kyiv, missile strikes were carried out in Khmelnytskyi, Rivne, Volyn, Lviv, Zhytomyr, Vinnytsia, Dnipropetrovsk, Poltava, and Kharkiv regions.

Also, rockets fell near the border with Poland.

After that, the Prime Minister of Poland, Mateusz Morawiecki, urgently convened the Committee of the Council of Ministers on National Security and Defense.

The AR publication reported that American intelligence confirms this. According to their data, russian missiles crossed Poland's airspace on Tuesday, resulting in two people dying.

However, the Pentagon has not officially confirmed this version.

In an address on Wednesday night, Polish President Andrzej Duda said that Warsaw does not have accurate information about who launched the missile. However, he added that the missile fell on Polish territory and confirmed that it was russian-made.

russia's Ministry of Defense said that no strikes were carried out on targets near the Ukrainian-Polish border and called the report about the fall of russian missiles near the Polish city of Przewodow a "provocation."

US President Joe Biden called it "unlikely" that the missile that caused the explosions and deaths in Poland was fired from russia.

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