President Volodymyr Zelensky emphasized this during an interview with Ukrainian journalists on Wednesday, November 16, Ukrinform reports.
"We have a proactive position regarding the "air defense system," particularly air defense and anti-missile defense. We have agreements with Spain on Hawk systems — something has already arrived, and something is on its way to Ukraine. These weapons are in various countries, and we are negotiating with the USA for assistance in the case of Hawk supply. Emmanuel Macron also assured that Ukraine would receive anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense systems — the decision is still in the project," Zelensky said.
At the same time, the President emphasized that the weapons provided to Ukraine showed themselves well in action; in particular, the American NASAMS hit 10 out of 10 targets during yesterday's shelling, while the German IRIS-T missiles also made a significant contribution.
He thanked international partners for the weapons provided and the supply of generators and transformers, that is, for the ability to survive the crisis.
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