Czech Parliament approved resolution declaring russian regime terrorist

The Lower Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Parliament approved a resolution calling the current russian government a terrorist regime

The relevant resolution was published on the website of the Czech Parliament.

As noted, 129 out of 156 deputies present voted "for." 14 deputies from the opposition movement were against it.

"The war was started by vladimir putin and his subordinates. They have the blood of thousands of civilians on their hands. The kremlin's practices are reminiscent of the darkest times of the Stalinist era," Deputy Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Olga Richterová said during the debate.

"If someone behaves like a terrorist, then they are a terrorist. putin is waging war against Ukraine, and russia does not shy away from killing innocent people in it," said TOP 09 faction leader Jan Jacob.

A part of the opposition faction ANO, the party of ex-prime minister Babiš, also supported the resolution.

"We have all seen the atrocities committed by the russian army in Ukraine… The sole purpose of these actions is to break the spirit of Ukrainians. We generally agree with the resolution; it is fair," said Deputy Yaroslav Bzhosh.

The resolution condemns russia's attack on Ukraine, russian attacks on energy infrastructure facilities.

And the results of the so-called "referendums" based on which the russian federation annexed the occupied territories are also not recognized.

In the adopted resolution, the Parliament of the Czech Republic emphasizes that russia's actions lead to "wide restrictions or interruptions in the supply of electricity, water or heat, putting the civilian population at risk."

Deputies supported the initiative to create a special court for the prosecution of crimes of aggression. And also under the leadership of the International Criminal Court to investigate and punish those guilty of military and crimes against humanity committed by the russian federation.

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