This is outlined in Zelensky's speech, published on the OPU website, Rubryka writes.
"To liberate our entire land from the Russists, we still will have to fight for a while longer… To fight! However, if the victory will be ours in any case, and we are sure of it, then shouldn't we try to implement our formula for peace to save thousands of lives and protect the world from further destabilizations?
That is why I want to present our vision of the path to peace – how to actually achieve it. And not only for us, but also for all of you, your allies and partners."
Zelensky said there is a set of solutions — and he wants the conversation about it to be public, not behind the scenes, "so that it is discussed in specific terms, and not in broad strokes."
The Ukrainian president wants "this aggressive russian war to end justly and on the basis of the UN Charter and international law, and not not 'somehow.'"
"Ukraine should not be offered to conclude compromises with its conscience, sovereignty, territory and independence. We respect the rules, and we are people of our word.
Ukraine has always been a leader in peacekeeping efforts, and the world has witnessed it. And if russia says that it supposedly wants to end this war, let it prove it with actions.
Apparently, one cannot trust russia's words, and there will be no Minsks-3, which russia would violate immediately after signing.
If there are no concrete actions to restore peace, it means that russia simply wants to deceive all of you again, deceive the world and freeze the war just when its defeats have become particularly notable.
We will not allow russia to wait it out, build up its forces, and then start a new series of terror and global destabilization.
I am convinced now is the time when the russian destructive war must and can be stopped," the president emphasized.
Ukrainian peace plan and 10 proposals for it
Zelensky noted that there is already a positive experience of the grain export initiative, in which Ukraine, Turkey, and the UN are involved on the one hand, and russia, Turkey, and the UN on the other.
In his opinion, the implementation of each of the specified points can work similarly, where the parties can be different states that are ready to take the lead in this or that decision.
Also, in his video address to the participants of the G20 summit on the island of Bali, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, called on them to stop russia's destructive war.
We will remind that the G20 summit has started in Indonesia.
russian president vladimir putin will not address the G20 even online.
The Verkhovna Rada has registered a draft resolution on an appeal to the G20 states with a call to exclude the russian federation from the composition of this influential group.
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