This was stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of russia, Sergey Lavrov, during the G20 summit in Indonesia, writes the russian agency RIA Novosti.
"All the problems lie with the Ukrainian side, which refuses any negotiations. And puts forward conditions that are clearly unrealistic and inadequate in this situation," Lavrov noted.
The russian minister said that he held short talks with French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz at the G20. He told them that it was Ukraine that was allegedly disrupting the negotiation process.
Also, Lavrov, who constantly called the Ukrainian President a "puppet of the West," this time was offended that Zelensky allegedly no longer listens to his "masters."
"Regarding signals to Zelensky from the West. Rumors are spreading that the American administration is telling Zelensky to be more compliant.
I drew one conclusion from Zelensky's speech at the G20 meeting that he is not yet listening to any advice from the West (regarding negotiations with russia – ed.). I will not list everything he said — but it was belligerent, russophobic, aggressive rhetoric," the russian minister emphasized.
Ukraine's proposals
On November 7, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, stated that there are several conditions for the russian federation to start negotiations:
Ukrainian peace plan
Zelensky said that he wanted a fair end to the russian-Ukrainian war: based on the UN charter and international law, not just any other way.
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