British Prime Minister proposed 5-step plan to reduce russia’s influence on world economy

Prime Minister of Great Britain Rishi Sunak offered his ways to reduce russia's and its President vladimir putin's influence on the world economy.

He expressed his thoughts in a column for The Telegraph.

"The man (putin – ed.) who is responsible for so much bloodshed in Ukraine and the economic struggle around the world will not be there (at the G20 summit – ed.) to meet with his colleagues. He will not even try to explain his actions. Instead, he will stay at home, and you and I will take on the task at hand," Sunak's publication said.

The British Prime Minister mentions in the material the taking of Kherson under Ukraine's control, calling it "a historic milestone in Ukraine's struggle for the return of what belongs to it." However, he said, Ukrainians are still suffering from continuous russian bombings and prolonged power outages in near-freezing temperatures in late autumn.

"That is why, when I spoke to the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, last Thursday, I made it clear that Britain will never back down when it comes to supporting the Ukrainian people in the face of this brutality," Sunak said.

He said Britain would continue to train Ukrainian forces and provide vital defense military equipment, such as an additional 1,000 anti-aircraft missiles and more than 25,000 winter sets for extreme cold, which he promised last week.

"While we are recovering from the pandemic that almost broke the world economy, every family on the planet feels the consequences of the war in Ukraine. World food prices have increased due to vladimir putin's attempts to block Ukrainian grain exports, two-thirds of which go to developing countries. Electricity bills have increased sharply due to the fact that russia shut off the gas taps," Sunak states.

The British Prime Minister emphasizes the need for coordinated global action. In this regard, he offers five points that can change the situation.

First of all, in his opinion, it is necessary to continue to provide urgent support where it is most needed in winter. Help should be given to both the people of Ukraine and the citizens of Britain against the backdrop of rising electricity bills. London also takes measures to prevent world hunger.

"Secondly, we must put an end to russia's appalling blackmail of food supplies. I support the UN Secretary-General in keeping grain shipments moving through the Black Sea, and I call on all those countries that can produce more food or release stocks to do so to help increase supply," says Sunak.

Another step is ensuring the security of supply chains and quickly abandoning energy dependence on countries such as russia.

In the fourth point, Sunak calls for remaining committed to the promotion of free markets and an open global economy.

Finally, the British Prime Minister emphasizes the need to identify those who use their opportunities to create credit traps for developing countries (a policy in which the creditor country increases its influence by increasing the debt to the borrower country), as well as to address the causes of inflation growth.

"We will not allow our economic future to become hostage to the actions of an exile state, nor will our allies. Instead, we will support Ukraine and work to implement each element of this five-point plan, promoting free markets and the global economy," Sunak concluded.


On November 15-16, 2022, the G20 summit will be held in Indonesia on the island of Bali.

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