EP reports this.
94 countries voted for the resolution, 14 voted against it, and another 73 abstained.
14 countries voted against the resolution:
The UN states that supported the document recognize that the russian federation should be held accountable for any violations of international law in or against Ukraine, including its aggression in violation of the Charter of the United Nations, as well as any violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law, and that it must bear the legal consequences of all its internationally wrongful acts, including reparation for damages, including any harm caused by such acts.
They also recognize the need to create, in cooperation with Ukraine, "an international mechanism for compensation for damages, losses or harm that is a consequence of internationally illegal acts of the russian federation in Ukraine or against Ukraine."
The resolution recommends that UN members, in cooperation with Ukraine, create "an international register of damages for recording evidence of damage caused to all interested individuals and legal entities, as well as to the state of Ukraine as a result of russia's international illegal actions in Ukraine."
The head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Andriy Yermak, commented on the adoption of the draft resolution by the United Nations General Assembly on Telegram.
"russia will pay for all its crimes in every sense, including reparations. From now on, this is the will of the UN. Everything will be Ukraine. We will press, crush, win," he emphasized.
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