This is discussed in a statement on the website of the Parliament.
The two new agreements on road transport are part of the European Union's response to disruptions in the Ukrainian and Moldovan transport sectors that arose due to russia's invasion of Ukraine.
"As Ukrainian airspace has been closed to civilian traffic and maritime export severely limited, Ukraine needs to find alternative routes by road to export its stocks of grain, fuel, foodstuffs, and other relevant goods.
Moldova is similarly suffering, needing alternative transit routes through the EU and assistance in transiting Ukrainian goods through its territory," the statement said.
It is known that the new agreements will replace existing bilateral transport agreements with EU countries. They temporarily facilitate road freight transportation, allowing carriers of Ukraine, Moldova, and the EU to transit through each other's territory and operate between them without appropriate permits.
EP rapporteur Marian-Jean Marinescu (EPP, RO) said: "With traditional transport routes blocked, we needed to find alternative ways to transport grains and other goods from and to Ukraine and Moldova. Thanks to these agreements, we can increase the level of exports and imports by road without creating border crossing bottlenecks. Not only does this reduce the risk of a global food crisis, it is also a step toward further expansion of the transport relationship between EU and these countries."
In addition, the agreement between Ukraine and the EU will allow Ukrainian drivers to continue using their existing driver's licenses and existing certificates of professional competence for driving in the EU without needing an international driver's license.
Both agreements are provisionally effective from June 29, 2022. After the decision of the Parliament, the agreement needs official approval by the Council of the EU.
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