US will provide Ukraine uninterrupted aid even under Republican majority – Biden

After the midterm elections held in the United States on November 8, aid will continue to flow to Ukraine regardless of the outcome.

US President Joe Biden is counting on this and made a statement about it at a press conference in Washington, EP reports.

"In the area of foreign policy, I hope we'll continue this bipartisan approach of confronting Russia's aggression in Ukraine," Biden said.

Answering the question of whether the aid will be uninterrupted, the US president responded:

"That is my expectation," he said. "So, I would be surprised if—if Leader McCarthy (the leader of the Republicans in the House of Representatives, – ed.) even has a majority of his Republican colleagues who say they're not going to fund the legitimate defensive needs of Ukraine."

At the same time, the White House chief noted that the United States does not write "blank checks" to Ukraine. This means that the US does not agree to all requests for assistance.

"For example, I was asked very much whether we prefer-—we'd provide American aircraft to guarantee the skies over Ukraine. I said, 'No, we're not going to do that. We're not going to get into a third world war, taking on Russian aircraft and directly engage.' But would we provide them with all—the rational ability to defend themselves? Yes," Biden explained.

The US president gave an example of providing Ukraine with HIMARS systems.

"We provide those HIMARS. Well, the HIMARS — there's two kinds of, in the average person's parlance, rockets you can drop in those: one that goes over 600 miles and one that goes about 160 miles. We didn't give them any ones that go to 600 miles because I'm not looking for them to start bombing Russian territory," Biden emphasized.

The leader of the United States also commented on the statement of the Russians regarding the retreat of Russian troops from Kherson.

"First of all, I found it interesting they waited until after the [US] election to make that judgment, which we knew for some time that they were going to be doing. And it's evidence of the fact that they have some real problems—Russian—the Russian military," the head of the White House emphasized.

The Republican Party, as previously reported, is on the way to establishing control over the House of Representatives of Congress following the results of the midterm elections in the USA, which took place on November 8.

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