russia prepares Satan-II nuclear missile second test: details

The russian federation is preparing to test the intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) Sarmat (according to the NATO classification, Satan-2) for the second time.

Express reports.

russian president vladimir putin said that this missile would give russia's enemies "food for thought" after the first launch.

According to the publication, the russian politician aleksei zhuravlev previously threatened to use lethal weapons.

This happened even when Finland and Sweden were about to join NATO. He claimed Satan II could hit Great Britain in 200 seconds if launched from russia's European province of Kaliningrad.

"The new complex has high tactical and technical characteristics and can overcome all modern means of anti-missile defense. It has no analogs in the world and will not for a long time," said putin.

"This truly unique weapon will strengthen the combat potential of our Armed Forces, reliably ensure russia's security from external threats, and give food for thought to those who, in the heat of frenzied aggressive rhetoric, are trying to threaten our country," the russian leader emphasized.

Earlier, putin warned Western countries that any attempt to stand in Moscow's way would lead to consequences that had never happened in its history.


Moscow tested the RS-28 Sarmat for the first time in April this year.

It can carry ten or more warheads, hitting targets at 16,000 miles per hour.

Then the rocket was launched from the Plesetsk cosmodrome in the Arkhangelsk region. In 15 minutes, it flew over almost the entire territory of russia. The second test will take place according to the same scenario.

"The flight design tests of the Sarmat can be extended until the end of this year, with a possible second test launch," an official close to the russian defense ministry told the propaganda outlet TASS.

It should be noted that the Sarmat missile is a mine-based strategic missile complex designed to replace the Soviet Voivode missile, which is often called Satan. The new complex in the Alliance was named Satan-2.

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