russians won’t open Crimean bridge as they plan – UK intelligence

The russian invaders are trying with all their might to restore the full operation of the Crimean bridge, damaged by the explosion, but it is unlikely to be done before September 2023.

Rubryka reports, referring to the intelligence review of the UK Ministry of Defense as of November 9.

The intelligence reports that on November 8, russian aggressors closed the automobile part of the Crimean bridge to install a replacement for the 64-meter strip.

But three more strips need to be replaced to repair the damaged sections of the road there fully.

The occupation administration of Crimea claims that additional strips will be established by December 20. However, putin was informed that due to work on another carriageway, road traffic will be closed until March 2023.

After all, there is still a plan to replace the damaged section of the railway bridge, and it will take place until September 2023. However, the russian deputy prime minister said the repair period would be accelerated.

Currently, one track is open on the railway section of the Kerch Bridge. However, rail traffic remains limited. Repair work will be highly dependent on weather conditions during the winter months.

Earlier, russia announced that they plan to restore the so-called Crimean Bridge, which connects the territory of the russian federation and the occupied peninsula, by July 2023.

British intelligence noted that the Crimean bridge explosion disrupted russia's logistical supply to the occupied Crimea and the south of Ukraine. This reduced the ability of invaders to move military equipment and soldiers into the area by rail or road.

In general, the damage to the bridge, the recent attack on the russian Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol, and the likely withdrawal of the occupiers from Kherson complicate the russian government's ability to create a picture of "military success."


On the morning of October 8, an explosion and fire were recorded on the Kerch (Crimea) bridge connecting russia and the temporarily occupied Crimea.

A freight train burned down on the railway part of the bridge, and part of the road surface collapsed on the road part.

The bridge is a vital logistical route for the russian military in the southern frontline, besides being the symbol of russia's occupation of the Crimean peninsula.

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