Ethnic Ukrainian Spartz re-elected to US Congress

During the midterm elections in the USA on November 8, Congresswoman Victoria Spartz, well-known in Ukraine due to public accusations against the head of the Office of the President, Andrii Yermak, was re-elected to Congress.

 The New York Times reports.

Spartz ran for the 5th district in the state of Indiana. The congresswoman represented the Republican Party and retained her seat in the US House of Representatives.

Spartz won by a wide margin, gaining more than 60% of the vote. Her Democratic opponent, Jeannine Lee Lake, is getting about 40% of the vote.

Photo: The New York Times

Spartz was first elected to the House of Representatives in 2020. She became the first ethnic Ukrainian woman elected to the United States Congress.

As Rubryka reported, in July, Spartz appealed to US President Joe Biden with a request to explain the surveillance procedures related to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Andrii Yermak.

Later, in a high-profile interview with European Pravda, the congresswoman highlighted the alleged obstacles in establishing oversight of American military aid to Ukraine.

After that, the USA, the EU, and NATO declared that they had no complaints about Ukraine's use of Western weapons. The Verkhovna Rada supported the creation of a commission to oversee the supply of Western weapons to Ukraine.

As Rubryka reported, according to the preliminary results of the midterm elections in the USA, the Republicans are leading in the House of Representatives. In the Senate, the Republicans and Democrats distributed the forces equally.


42-year-old Victoria Spartz is from Nosivka, where she lived until she was five years old.

She finished school in Chernihiv, a university in Kyiv, and met her future American husband on a train.

In the USA, she built a career as a politician. In 2017, she entered the Indiana State Senate, and in 2020 she joined the House of Representatives, the main legislative body of the USA, from the Republican Party.

Victoria Spartz mentions Ukraine during her pre-election meetings, and her children, born in the USA, know Ukrainian.

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