Wars aren’t resolved by infantile logic of weapons, but with mild force of dialogue – Pope

In his speech, Pope Francis again mentioned the war in Ukraine and believed that the conflict could not be resolved with the help of weapons but only with the power of words.

Nova Agency reports that the pontiff believes that the war unleashed by russia against Ukraine can be ended only through dialogue and not by using weapons.

"I am thinking of the insane war of which tormented Ukraine is a victim, and of many other conflicts – underlined the Pontiff – which will never be resolved through the infantile logic of weapons, but only with the mild force of dialogue," said the Pope.

According to Francis, during a recent trip to Bahrain, he emphasized the need for dialogue.

"In Bahrain – as is customary in the East – people put their hand to their hearts when they greet someone," explained Francis. "I did it too," he continued, "to make room inside me for those I met. Because, without acceptance, the dialogue remains empty, apparent, it remains a question of ideas and not of reality."

We will remind you that recently the Pope made a statement about russians.

He said he was shocked by the cruelty of the russian invaders in Ukraine because it is allegedly not inherent to the russian people.

In her turn, the ambassador of Ukraine to the USA, Oksana Markarova, commented on the words of Pope Francis about the supposed "humanism inherent in russians."

"I'm sorry, I can't help it. The Pope must have read Dostoevsky carelessly. Otherwise, His Holiness would not be surprised by the cruelty of the russians (which is precisely their natural characteristic).

And several other works of russian writers/poets, including Pushkin, Kuprin, and Bulgakov, as well as even a superficial study of the true history of our region, would show that there was no humanism in Muscovy either under Ivan the Terrible in 1547 or 1708 when Baturyn's population was brutally massacred, not in every event after that…" Markarova remarked.

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