14:34 07 Nov 2022

Iran will face consequences for supplying any weapons to russia — European Commission

Фото: З відкритих джерел

The EU is taking and will continue to take measures against Iran's supply of any weapons to russia for waging an illegal war against Ukraine.

This was stated by the EU foreign policy service spokesman, Peter Stano, at a briefing in Brussels, EP reports.

"Whatever military equipment is supplied to russia is unacceptable, and there will be consequences if member states have enough evidence that this is going on," Stano said when asked about the potential consequences for Iran in the case of supplying russian with short- and medium-range missiles.

"This applies to both the drones and the trainers. I can refer again to the G7 statement that specifically refers to the trainers and Iranian drones. But all other arms deliveries that are used in this illegal aggression … will be considered support for this illegal aggression, and there will be the necessary consequences," Stano added.

It was unofficially reported that the US is preparing additional sanctions against Iran due to the sale of missiles to russia.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine stated that Iran's provision of weapons to russia for waging a full-scale war makes it an accomplice to aggression and war crimes on the territory of Ukraine.

Iran admitted for the first time on Saturday that it supplied drones to moscow but said they were sent before the invasion of Ukraine. In response, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine stated that the consequences of complicity in russia's aggression would be greater than the benefits of its support.

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