This is evidenced by the survey results of the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology.
During the interview, respondents were asked to choose which of the two scenarios for the future of Ukraine – optimistic or pessimistic – they agreed with to a greater extent.
Among those surveyed, 63% fully share the opinion that in 10 years, Ukraine will be a prosperous country within the EU, and 26% rather agree with it.
Instead, only 5% of respondents have pessimistic expectations that in 10 years, Ukraine will be a devastated country with an outflow of people.
Although optimism decreases slightly from West to East, in all regions, the absolute majority see the future of Ukraine with hope (from 90% in the West to 76% in the East).
"It should be taken into account that the current region of the East is the Kharkiv and Donetsk regions, where the level of destruction and shelling is particularly intense. Despite this, 76% believe in a better future (and only 14% see the future in ruin). It is also important to pay attention to the South, which also notes intense hostilities, but where 89% see Ukraine as successful in 10 years (with only 7% pessimists)," sociologists note.
Among all age categories, the absolute majority optimistically assess Ukraine's future. In particular, among 18-29-year-olds, the figure is 94%.
The survey was conducted on October 21-23.
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