UNESCO: By 2050, third of world’s glaciers will melt due to global warming

UNESCO emphasizes that there is currently a trend of accelerated melting of glaciers at world heritage sites. By 2050, a third of them may completely melt, which will lead to risky consequences for humanity

This is stated in the organization's report.

Melting glaciers will lead to risky ecological and social consequences. It is noted that half of humanity depends directly or indirectly on glaciers as a source of water for domestic use, agriculture, and electricity. Glaciers are also a pillar of biodiversity, feeding many ecosystems.

UNESCO points out that glaciers are found in 50 UNESCO World Heritage sites, but the glaciers are melting because of carbon dioxide emissions, which lead to higher temperatures. 58 billion tons of ice are now disappearing each year, according to the organization, which is equivalent to the annual water use of France and Spain.

"As glaciers melt rapidly, millions face water shortages and an increased risk of natural disasters such as floods. Millions more could be left homeless by rising sea levels," said Dr. Bruno Oberle, Director General of the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay notes that the only solution to save the rest of the world's glaciers is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. To effectively save nature, the increase in global temperature should not exceed 1.5 degrees Celsius compared to the pre-industrial period

Azoulay said: "This report is a call to action. Only rapid reductions in CO 2 emissions can save the glaciers and the exceptional biodiversity that depends on them."

In addition to the drastic reduction of carbon emissions, UNESCO advocates the creation of an international fund for monitoring and preserving glaciers.

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