US will provide Ukraine with new aid package: tanks, armored personnel carriers and boats

The United States will provide Ukraine with a new $400 million aid package. It will include at least T-72 tanks

Pentagon deputy spokeswoman Sabrina Singh announced this at a briefing in Washington, EP writes.

The United States and the Netherlands will jointly pay for the restoration of T-72 tanks that are stored in the Czech Republic.

Singh said: "These tanks will come from the Czech Republic. The United States will pay for the restoration of 45 units. And the Dutch government, according to its commitments, will pay for another 45 tanks. So a total of 90 tanks will be sent to Ukraine. These will be technically advanced tanks."

Part of these tanks will be handed over to Ukraine before the end of this year and the rest – during the next year.

The new aid package includes 250 M1117 armored personnel carriers, 40 armored boats, Hawk anti-aircraft missile systems, and 1,100 Phoenix Ghost drones.

As for drones, the Pentagon did not specify the exact date of delivery to Ukraine.

Earlier, US President Joe Biden promised Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that Washington would provide Ukraine with advanced air systems following russia's devastating missile attack earlier this month.

Rubryka already wrote that the USA plans to hand over NASAMS systems to Ukraine at the beginning of November.


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