President’s Office: 107 Ukrainian soldiers returned to Ukraine from russian captivity, 74 Azovstal defenders among them

On November 3, Ukraine managed to return another 107 Ukrainian soldiers from russian captivity, including 74 Azovstal defenders

Rubryka writes about this, referring to the Telegram of the head of the Office of the President, Andriy Yermak.

"We brought home many wounded in the battles.

In particular, we managed to exchange seriously injured and bedridden from Mariupol, from Azovstal, boys with shrapnel wounds on their arms and legs and with gunshot wounds on various parts of their bodies.

There are people with amputated limbs and burns, who do not feel part of the face, with infected wounds.

There is also a wounded fighter due to the explosion in Olenivka Colony. Many of our guys were injured back in March. The state will do everything necessary to help each of them," the OPU stressed.

Yermak specified that it was possible to return:

  • 6 officers,
  • 101 privates,
  • a sergeant

According to the OP head, these are soldiers of the Armed Forces, the Navy, the Military Police, the State Border Service, the National Military Police, the State Special Transport Service, and the National Guard, including three Azovstal defenders.

Some of them volunteered to fly by helicopter to Mariupol to save lives and fight for the city, the head of the President's Office added.

We will remind you that on October 29, 52 Ukrainians returned home from russian captivity: officers, doctors, sergeants, and soldiers.


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