russia is returning to “grain agreement”: what is known

The Ministry of Defense and the President of the russian federation, vladimir putin, announced that russia is resuming the implementation of the "grain agreement," which was suspended after the explosions in Sevastopol.

This is stated by the russian propaganda publication RIA Novosti, Bloomberg News reports.

The Ministry of Defense of the russian federation stated that russia received "written guarantees" from Ukraine regarding the non-use of the grain corridor for military operations against the russian federation.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said in Ankara that the grain corridor for the export of Ukrainian food will start working from noon on November 2 "as it was before."

According to him, russian Defense Minister Serhiy Shoigu called his Turkish counterpart to inform him about the start of operations.


Later, russian president vladimir putin commented on the situation. He said that Turkey, not Ukraine directly, handed the relevant "guarantees" to the russian Ministry of Defense. And he personally instructed the Ministry of Defense to resume participation in the agreement.

At the same time, putin emphasized that "russia reserves the right to withdraw from these agreements if Ukraine violates these guarantees."

The president of the russian federation added that even if russia withdraws from the grain agreement, it will be ready to supply the "poorest countries" with grain instead of Ukraine.

It is worth noting that russian warships are a legitimate target for Ukrainian forces, and even if Ukrainian Armed Forces carried out the attack on the Black Sea Fleet of the russian federation, there were no violations on the part of Ukraine. And russia is simply, as always, engaged in changing concepts.

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