The Pentagon's official website reports this.
According to the official representative of the US Department of Defense, Ukraine will receive two NASAMS systems shortly, and another six will be provided later.
"The US has also committed eight NASAMS and associated munitions, and two of those will be in Ukraine in the very near future, with six more to be provided later.
We also have committed to a suite of counter-unmanned aerial systems, including the VAMPIRE system and other radar systems, since we know that the—the UAS threat is also a—a serious threat right now," the Pentagon official emphasized.
He added that Ukraine would also receive air defense systems from other countries.
"More recently, in terms of international partners, Germany has committed to four of the IRIS-T system. And this is been put to exceptionally good use in Ukraine. So we are, you know, encouraging others to — to look at providing this system.
Spain has responded to the call to provide the HAWK air defense system. And this is also a system that we are encouraging other countries to provide," the Pentagon said.
On October 28, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin announced that Ukraine would receive the first NASAMS air defense systems in early November.
Also, Rubryka wrote that Spain plans to provide Ukraine with four of its Hawk air defense systems.
On October 12, Ukraine's Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov informed that the German IRIS-T complex is already in Ukraine.
"The complex has been successfully integrated into the air defense system of Ukraine, it has good tactical and technical characteristics, so we hope to receive more IRIS-T from Germany. In addition, we are waiting for the NASAMS complex, which will also strengthen the air defense of our country," said Yurii Ihnat, spokesman of the Air Force Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
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