Environmental damage in Kyiv and its region from russia’s strikes on oil tanks exceeds $1.3 billion

Since the beginning of the war, the damage to the environment in Kyiv and the Kyiv region from burning oil products is estimated at more than UAH 46.3 billion.

Ukraine's Operational Headquarters of the State Environmental Inspection announced this, Ukrinform reports.

"Enemy damage to oil storage facilities has caused significant damage to the atmospheric air of our country. So far, environmental damage has been calculated in 19 cases in Kyiv and the Kyiv region; Ukraine's largest amount of environmental damage has been recorded in this direction. The atmospheric air of the capital region was damaged for UAH 46.3 billion," Olena Kryvoruchkina, chief coordinator of the headquarters, reported.

Also, the top three regions most affected by this type of environmental damage include the Chernihiv region (damage to atmospheric air in 9 calculated cases amounted to over UAH 1.5 billion) and Dnipropetrovsk and Kirovohrad regions with UAH 434.3 million. Damages in these two regions were calculated together because they are included in the area of ​​responsibility of the Dnipro District of the State Inspectorate.

According to the headquarters, the total amount of damage caused to the atmospheric air of Ukraine due to damage to oil storage facilities, as of October 31, exceeds UAH 49.3 billion.


The government has made changes to the Regulation on the State Environmental Inspection of Ukraine, which expands the department's authority regarding the calculation of environmental damage.

State inspectors are given the right to independently and unimpededly inspect territories and objects affected by accidents, emergencies, military aggression, and military or terrorist actions to calculate the amount of damage, losses, and losses caused to the environment's natural resources.

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