russians entrench on Kherson region’s left bank, evicting locals from homes

In the Kherson region, the russians began the mass "evacuation" of people in cities and towns on the left bank of the Dnieper to create fortifications and deploy military units.

Deputy of the Kherson Regional Council Serhii Khlan told about this, Ukrinform reports.

"Mostly, people are also being evicted from the cities and villages on the left bank near the Dnieper. Such signals come from Kakhovka, Nova Kakhovka, Kozachi Laheri, Hola Prystan, and Oleshky. If we talk about Nova Kakhovka, some people were sent to Arabat Spit and settled in sanatoriums, but they said they needed to pay for accommodation. People don't understand what to do now because the financial situation is very critical," Khlan said.

He noted that most of the people evacuated to the left bank remained there instead of leaving for russia.

"If the russian occupiers say that 30,000 people were taken to russia, then this is another lie of the occupiers. According to our calculations, they took no more than 5-6,000. And that part of the people who went to russia with the occupiers was taken to the Krasnodar Territory. There is no question of the housing promised by the russians, people have been resettled in refugee camps, and they are already starting to look for ways to return," Khlan added.

The deputy said that according to the words of the local population, the russian military was setting up fortifications, digging around the clock, making dugouts, and burying equipment all along the left bank of the Dnieper. It is reported from the village of Tavriiske, located in the Hola Prystan district, that the occupiers entered the small town of Chulakivka and said that people should move out of there because a large military unit would be stationed there. A lot of heavy equipment would arrive. And if they do not leave now, they will be forcibly evicted.

"Such signals also go to other villages of the left-bank Kherson region," Khlan emphasized.

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