UCAB predicts 30% drop in gross sunflower harvest in Ukraine

According to preliminary estimates by the Ukrainian Club of Agrarian Business, the gross sunflower harvest in the 2022/2023 marketing year will decrease by 30% compared to the average annual figure for the past three years.

This was reported by the UCAB press service.

It is noted that the reason for the fall in the gross collection is a decrease in the sown area and yield.

According to UCAB data, this year the sunflower acreage decreased by 26%, to 4.7 million hectares compared to the average for the last three years. This happened due to the temporary occupation of part of the territories of Ukraine, as well as the impossibility of continued operations on part of the territories that were liberated or are located close to the war zones.

Preliminary estimates say the average sunflower yield is 22.4 t/ha, which is 5% lower than the average for the last three years.

Experts explain that 2022/23 MY is difficult for Ukrainian sunflower seed producers not only because of the war and financial difficulties (low prices and sales problems due to restrictions on the export of sunflower oil), but also because of complicated conditions during harvesting. Prolonged rains this autumn delayed the harvesting of sunflower seeds and partially worsened their quality.

At the same time, the UCAB notes that the existing volumes will fully cover domestic needs and partly – the exports.

As of October 21, some 7 million tons of sunflower was harvested in Ukraine from 3.2 million hectares of farmland.

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