UN rejects russia’s accusations about US bio laboratories in Ukraine

russia's appeal to the Security Council to investigate US "military biological activity" in Ukraine was rejected by the United Nations High Representative for Disarmament Affairs deputy and the US ambassador to the UN.

Radio Svoboda reports that US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield told the Security Council that the accusation made by the russian foreign ministry on October 27 is "pure fiction without any evidence."

The russian federation sent the UN Security Council a draft resolution on the creation of a commission to investigate the "activities of US bio laboratories in Ukraine," as well as a complaint about such activities.

Linda Thomas-Greenfield also said that neither Ukraine nor the United States has biological weapons programs.

Deputy UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs Adedeji Ebo also stated that the UN is "unaware" of any biological weapons program in Ukraine.

Ebo said his manager Izumi Nakamitsu briefed the Security Council in March and May on the matter, and the UN was unaware of such biological weapons programs.

He also said that the United Nations had neither the mandate nor the technical capacity to investigate the claim.


It was not the first time the russian authorities came up with lies about bio laboratories in Ukraine.

russia's defense ministry stated in earlier months of russia's invasion that 30 bio laboratories working on pathogens of dangerous infections allegedly operate on the territory of Ukraine within joint programs with the Pentagon.

The US State Department rejected these claims. Then the United States warned on March 10 that russia could use chemical or biological weapons in Ukraine. The accusations against the USA in the State Department were called russia's way to justify the invasion of Ukraine.

The United Nations refuted russia's false claims about alleged biological weapons laboratories in Ukraine in March.

Ukraine's Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman, Oleh Nikolenko, said on March 19:

"The UN has refuted Russian fake news about bioweapon labs in Ukraine. All of Russia's attempts to create false pretexts for its barbaric war on Ukraine are doomed to failure. No stone will be left unturned holding Russia and its officials to account for its crimes against Ukraine," Nikolenko wrote on his Twitter.

He added that Kyiv would use all possible means to bring russia and its officials to justice for crimes against Ukraine.

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