putin is personally guilty of turning European security order into ashes — Steinmeier

The President of Germany placed personal responsibility on vladimir putin for starting the biggest war in Europe since the Second World War and destroying the European security order

This is reported by Rubryka, referring to European Pravda.

Steinmeier stated this in his program speech at the Bellevue Palace.

He said: "On February 24, putin didn't just break the rules and end the game. He threw the board itself on the floor!".

The President of Germany also emphasized that russia's brutal, aggressive war in Ukraine has turned the European security order into ashes.

"In his imperial obsession, the russian president violated international law, seized land, and questioned borders. The russian attack is an attack on all the lessons the world learned from the two world wars," Frank-Walter Steinmeier said.

According to him, February 24 was an epochal shift.

"putin commands an invading army, and Ukrainians defend their country, which they built since gaining independence thirty years ago. russia's aggressive war destroyed Gorbachev's dream of a "common European home." This is an attack on the right, on the principles of non-violence and the inviolability of borders. It is an attack on everything we Germans also stand for. Anyone who shrugs his shoulders and asks, "What does this war have to do with us Germans?" has neither a sense of responsibility nor a sense of history. We, Germans, cannot prevail in Europe with this attitude — it's wrong!" Steinmeier said.

That is why, according to him, Germany supports Ukraine and will support it as long as necessary.

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