This was stated by the head of the Bureau of International Policy of the President of Poland, Jakub Kumokh, the Office of the Polish President reports.
The message states that earlier, the President of Poland, Andrzej Duda, discussed with the USA the possibility of participating in the Nuclear Sharing program. This program provides that NATO member states that do not have nuclear weapons can obtain them from the alliance. However, US State Department spokesman Vedant Patel said the US currently has no plans to deploy nuclear weapons to any country that joined NATO after 1997.
Commenting on this, Kumokh stated that the russia-NATO pact of 1997 was effectively annulled due to russia's aggressive actions.
"In 1997, the russia-NATO pact was signed, based on which there is a belief that no additional permanent NATO forces should be stationed in Eastern Europe. We believe, and the president said at the NATO summit, that the act is dead; russia simply canceled it with aggression against Ukraine," Kumokh said.
He also stated that currently, Poland remains very interested in the deployment of NATO forces in Poland and participation in the Nuclear Sharing program.
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