The US Defense Ministry head said this during a press conference at the Pentagon on Thursday, Ukrinform reports.
"If this happens (the use of nuclear weapons by the russians – ed.), you will see a very serious response from the international community," the US Secretary of Defense said.
He emphasized that this issue is significant for the world community, as it is about the risk of a nuclear strike for the first time in more than 70 years, and this could potentially change the situation for the world as a whole.
"Even talking about the use of such weapons is dangerous and irresponsible," Austin said.
According to him, the USA is concerned about the escalation on russia's part from the very beginning of its large-scale aggression against Ukraine. Therefore, the Pentagon head is convinced it is important for the US to maintain communications both with allies and partners, as well as with adversaries, to be able to manage risks.
At the same time, Austin noted that the United States, for its part, currently does not see any signs that putin has decided to use nuclear weapons or a "dirty bomb."
In response to the question of what capabilities the US has to deter nuclear threats from russia, the head of the Pentagon emphasized that the United States has significant nuclear potential, and the kremlin is aware of its scope.
The head of the Pentagon also emphasized that the United States is doing everything to help Ukraine defend itself and its territory.
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