Photo: SBU
The acting chief of Ukraine's security service (SBU), Vasyl Maliuk, stated this during an interview with Interfax-Ukraine.
The SBU chief noted that counterintelligence activity is one of those directions that is constantly developing and improving.
"For obvious reasons, I will not reveal the specifics to the public so as not to decipher the forms and methods, not to implicate sources working behind enemy lines, particularly in russia," Maliuk noted.
The acting head of security services thanked the women for their hard work during the war.
"At the same time, I want to thank the women separately. They are the best agents, the real Amazons in the field of counterintelligence, who carry out mega-filigree agency penetrations.
Many operations were successfully implemented thanks to the agency's women's presence," Maliuk emphasized.
He noted that some agents underwent plastic surgery and changed their identity details not to expose themselves to danger.
The retired special agent of the US military intelligence, David Debatto, said American intelligence in russia works very well. Washington knows everything that happens in the Kremlin.
He also noted that the United States receives information from representatives of the russian authorities, who are already thinking about the future without vladimir putin.
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