Solution to win: Ukraine develops new SHARK drone that can adjust HIMARS fire

The Ukrainian company Ukrspetssystems has developed a new SHARK drone, which is resistant to work in EW conditions and can adjust the American HIMARS reactive artillery systems.

The press service of Ukrspetssystems reports.

What is the problem?

The Ukrainian Armed Forces have long since started using UAVs for surveillance.

After russia's full-scale invasion began in Ukraine, the presence of drones for the Ukrainian military became simply necessary for conducting military operations.

These are the "eyes" of our military, but the enemy discovers them and shoots them down. Unfortunately, drones are efficient but expendable. Therefore, the Ukrainian Armed Forces need a lot of them.

What is the solution?

The company Ukrspetssystems has developed a new drone, stable to work in EW conditions, unmanned aviation complex SHARK.

"The development of SHARK was carried out already during the full-scale invasion as an operational response of our company to the challenges and needs of the Ukrainian army.

Today, SHARK is fully ready for use in combat conditions," the inventors noted.

Photo: Ukrspetssystems

The company added that developing this UAV from the project to the first flight took less than half a year.

Photo: Ukrspetssystems

SHARK, among other things, has secure encrypted communication and a camera with 30x optical and additional digital zoom.

Photo: Ukrspetssystems

Technical characteristics of SHARK:

  • The flight time is more than 2 hours,
  • Communication range – 60 km,
  • Practical ceiling – 2000 m,
  • Camera system – Full HD electro-optical sensor with 30x optical zoom and additional digital zoom,
  • Take-off weight – 10 kg,
  • Wingspan – 1.91 m,
  • Deployment time – 15 minutes,
  • Operating temperature – from –15 C to +50 C,
  • The encryption method is AES256,
  • Cruising speed – 70-90 km/h,
  • The maximum flight speed is 150 km/h,
  • Dumping speed – 60 km/h,
  • The take-off method is a catapult,
  • The landing is a parachute.

How does it work?

SHARK is specially designed to penetrate the territory temporarily controlled by the enemy.

It can be used for conducting deep aerial reconnaissance and adjusting, including, Western long-range weapons – in particular, HIMARS.

Thanks to a highly reliable communication module and a modern camera system, the UAV allows you to go deep into the enemy's rear up to 60 km and conduct surveillance at a distance of up to 5 km from the UAV to the object.

The company emphasizes that it will be helpful when planning and conducting offensive operations and predicting the enemy's actions.


Ukrspetssystems LLC is a Ukrainian company established in 2014.

It is engaged in developing and producing military and civilian UAV complexes, ground control stations, payloads, components, and software.

Ukrspetssystem produces two classes of drones:

  • operational-tactical level PD-2,
  • tactical drone SHARK.

We will remind you that the Army of Drones has sent almost 200 drones to Ukrainian defenders on the front lines.

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