
Solution to win: philanthropists and finance employees united to help Ukraine’s army

The foundation employees did not restrict themselves to voluntary donations but addressed all organizational issues, Rubryka reports.

What is the problem?

A full-scale war in Ukraine continues. Foreign partner countries help the Ukrainian army with the supply of weapons. Volunteers and all concerned Ukrainians do everything, so the Ukrainian soldiers don't lack essential items: food, sleeping bags, first-aid kits, clothes, and other things. However, it's not always possible to help the army independently. One needs to join forces so that there is an appropriate result.

What is the solution?

The Charity Fund Caring Cats, together with the Deposit Guarantee Fund (DGF) employees, launched an initiative to help the military of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

How does it work?

Thanks to the DGF donations, Caring Cats Caring Fund employees purchased complete sets of tactical backpacks, car cases, sleeping bags, shields, charging stations, dry showers, and long-term food products for the military from two divisions.

In addition, DGF employees purchased two cars already used by both units. The initiative's peculiarity was that the foundation employees did not restrict themselves to voluntary donations but addressed all organizational issues.

"During the war, we all work for the victory, to bring it closer. Each of us constantly contributes to victory. This time, with the joint efforts of all the foundation employees, we bought for our soldiers the things they will need in the winter so that they feel our support and care for them," said Volodymyr Tretiak, head of the Professional Union of DGF employees.

Reference: The Caring Cats Charity Fund was founded in April 2022. With the beginning of a full-scale invasion, three friends and entrepreneurs—Yulia Sydorchuk, Lilia Lypova, and Ruslana Zahnii—joined their efforts to help people affected by the war. Later, the organization switched exclusively to assisting the military of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and is now engaged in providing military first-aid kits and food products.

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