russians recognize Ukraine’s Neptune missiles struck Moskva warship

The name of another dead sailor from the sunken Moska warship became known. Despite the Kremlin's version of the fire, the local authorities indicated in the obituary that Neptune missiles hit the ship.

The Telegram channel We Can Explain reports this. The deceased became the sixth cruiser sailor about whom it was possible to find out information.

This happened during the Day of White Cranes event held on October 25 by the Melikhov cultural and educational center (Rostov Oblast).

In the post of the Telegram channel, it was reported that sailor Vladimir Kovalev was mentioned as a crew member of the Moscow cruiser by fellow villagers.

In addition, the report's authors about Kovalev ignored the official version of russia's Ministry of Defense that the cruiser allegedly sank due to a fire and detonation of ammunition.

They wrote that the cruiser sank after being hit by Ukrainian Neptune missiles.

Earlier, the Telegram channel We Can Explain found the name of one of the dead on the Moscow cruiser, midshipman Dmitry Cheremiskin.

It is also known about:

  • senior midshipman Ivan Vakhrushev,
  • conscript sailors Leonid Savin, Ivan Frantin, Yehor Shkrebets,
  • captain-lieutenant Valery Krivorog.

As Rubryka reported, on the night of April 14, two Ukrainian Neptune missiles hit the flagship of russia's Black Sea Fleet with the most potent weapons.

The cruiser "overturned and began to sink," says Vladyslav Nazarov, a South operational command officer at the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

At the same time, the russian Ministry of Defense included the crew of the Moskva sunken cruiser, which was destroyed by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, in the list of "participants of a special military operation."

However, the ship's participation in the war is still hidden.

In addition, russia's Ministry of Defense recognized the death of only one crew member and declared another 27 as missing.

Cruiser Moskva became the most expensive military loss of russia in the war with Ukraine.

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