Israeli president provides evidence of Iranian drone use in Ukraine on US visit

Israeli President Yitzhak Herzog, during his visit to the United States, showed evidence of russia's use of Iranian drones in Ukraine

Rubryka reports, referring to the speech of the leader of Israel in Washington.

Herzog said that despite the denials of the Iranian government, there is a lot of evidence that Iran is selling its drones to russia for the war against Ukraine.

This is evidenced by the photos of the hull and motors of the downed drones. The images were taken in Ukraine.

The President of Israel emphasized that it is clear from the photo that this is the Shahed-136 drone, which was presented at an auction in Iran in December 2021.

"Despite Iran's denials and attempt to obscure their Iranian origins by adding Russian writing, it is clear parts of the drones are identical to the Iranian ones.

Look at the tail and wings of the drone and compare them with what was found in Ukraine. It is precisely the same product, but it is hidden in Cyrillic letters (the drone is signed as Geran-2, – ed.), but even the font is the same," he noted.

Herzog noted that the photos he provided are only part of a large volume of information.

The president added that they have information from intelligence sources at the disposal of the Israeli authorities. And he is ready to provide them.

"The world must open up this truth and ask Iran these questions. Can the international community negotiate with Iran when they are accelerating toward the creation of a nuclear bomb and at the same time doing other terrible things," the Iranian leader stressed.

Earlier it was reported that the President of Israel, Yitzhak Herzog, during his visit to the USA on October 25, will make evidence of the use of Iranian drones by the russians in the war on the territory of Ukraine public.

Through visual analysis, the Israeli Defense Ministry established that Ukraine has UAV fragments identical to those developed in Iran.

We will remind you that a colonel of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps was killed in the city of Zahedan, the capital of Iranian Baluchistan, in the country's southeast.

One of the commanders of the Basij organization, Javad Kikha, was sitting next to him. The latter is also killed.

According to some data, these same people, in particular, were responsible for the supply of Iranian kamikaze drones to russia.

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