About 1,000 bodies exhumed in Ukrainian territories liberated from russians

In the de-occupied territories of Ukraine, which were freed from the russian invaders recently, about a thousand bodies of dead soldiers and civilians have already been exhumed by law enforcement.

Rubryka reports, referring to the press service of Ukraine's Ministry for Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories.

"As a result of the search work, about a thousand bodies of fallen heroes and civilians have already been exhumed, in particular, almost 450 in Izium at the site of one of the largest mass burials.

The shocking facts of the atrocities of the occupiers have been revealed. Among the dead are not only military troops but also civilians, adults, and children. But the exact info will become known only after the examination," the agency emphasized.

The ministry also noted that law enforcement agencies, sappers, and search teams created under the local administration were involved in the exhumation.

The Ministry of Reintegration reminded that the hotline of the Commissioner for Missing Persons is open: 0 800 339 247.

On weekends, messages are accepted via Viber and Telegram by phone: (095) 896-04-21.

You can report missing persons directly to the authorized person: (099) 792-01-26.


As Rubryka reported, on September 23, the exhumation from the mass burial of the residents killed by the aggressors was completed in Izium. At that time, 447 bodies, including children, were retrieved from the mass graves.

On September 25, President Volodymyr Zelensky announced that two more mass graves with hundreds of bodies were found in the de-occupied Izium of the Kharkiv region.

On October 17, the law enforcement officers reported that they had already exhumed 187 bodies at the mass burial site of those who died at the hands of the occupiers in the city of Lyman. Among them are 35 military and 152 civilians.

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