This was reported by the press service of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.
In particular, the first part of the mobilized ones was sent to Ukraine with minimal or no training to stabilize the front line.
According to intelligence information, the next units will be sent considering the operational situation development and, if possible, depending on the personnel readiness. Similarly, the second, third, and other waves of mobilized personnel will be involved in the conduct of hostilities against the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
The HUR also reported that, despite the statement regarding the completion of "partial" mobilization, summonses continue to be issued to conscripts at their residence and work in moscow. However, the authorities stopped the work of the so-called "mobile mobilization points" and suspended the practice of "raids" of conscripts in public places.
Training of those mobilized to be sent to Ukraine continues at the training grounds of the moscow region. According to intelligence information, due to the lack of officers and non-commissioned officers, servicemen who signed a contract with the military rank of "private" and have combat experience in Ukraine are appointed to the positions of platoon instructors and training instructors.
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