Scale of today’s damage to energy infrastructure may exceed that of Oct 10-12 strikes – Ukrenergo

The scale of destruction inflicted to energy infrastructure facilities across Ukraine by a Russian missile attack on the morning of Saturday, October 22, may exceed the consequences of the strikes launched October 10-12.

This was reported by Ukrenergo via Telegram.

"Today, October 22, the ruscists carried out another missile attack on energy facilities of our main networks in the western regions of Ukraine. The scale of the damage is comparable to or may exceed the consequences of the attack on October 10-12," the statement reads.

The repair crews of NEC Ukrenergo will begin restoration works as soon as the State Emergency Service eliminates the consequences of missile hits. Ukrenergo experts are taking all measures to restore power supply as soon as possible in regions that are currently in a blackout, the company assured.

It is also reported that power supply restrictions have been forcibly applied in Kyiv, as well as the regions of Kyiv, Chernihiv, Cherkasy, Zhytomyr, Sumy, Kharkiv, Poltava, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhia, and Kirovohrad.

"Consumer restrictions are required to reduce the load on the grids and avoid repeated accidents after the power grids were damaged by terrorist missile attacks," the statement said.

Оn the morning of October 22, the enemy launched a massive missile attack on critical infrastructure facilities throughout Ukraine that lasted for three consecutive hours.

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