The Schemes investigation project and the russian service of Radio Svoboda reported it.
As noted in the publication, the movement of russian equipment and troops is happening due to the recent rapid successes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the de-occupation of the region.
"The occupiers are moving military equipment and personnel from the right to the left bank of the Dnieper in the Kherson region amid the recent rapid successes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in de-occupying part of the region and further plans to liberate the region, including the announced intentions to liberate the city of Kherson." the Schemes report.
It is reported that since the beginning of October, the cargo ferry has already made several such trips, transporting military personnel and military equipment across the Dnieper River from the area of Kozatske village to Nova Kakhovka.
This is evidenced by satellite images and videos published by the invaders.
Journalists found the profile of a military man named Makar Teplinsky on social media. He is from the Luhansk region and is fighting on the side of russia.
Since the beginning of October, the military man has been recording photos and videos and publishing the movement of russian service members and military equipment from the right bank to the left bank of the Dnieper to the territory of Ukraine occupied by the russian army in the area of the city of Nova Kakhovka, Kherson region.
Judging by Planet Labs satellite photos, the russian military stopped sending equipment to the "dangerous" right bank near the village of Kozatske in early October. Since then, the ferry goes there empty but returns to Nova Kakhovka fully loaded.
On October 10, a military man posted a photo taken on a ferry with military trucks on his profile on the Vkontakte social network.
Later, he also published a video where he filmed himself sailing on this ferry with military equipment.
"We are sailing!" he wrote in the post.
Journalists identified the location. It turned out that the video was shot near the right bank of the Dnieper near the village of Kozatske. A ferry with military equipment was moving along the channel through Kozatskyi Island toward Nova Kakhovka.
On October 8, satellite images show the empty ferry towards Kozatskyi. One of these "evacuation" trips was probably captured on Teplinsky's video, which he published a few days later.
Subsequently, Teplinsky published pictures from Nova Kakhovka with other occupiers.
Using the facial recognition service, the journalists identified three more occupants.
"This is Rubik Mkrtychev, a resident of the Krasnodar Territory, and two other people from the occupied Crimea, Dmytro Chumak and Ihor Kolmakov," the publication emphasized.
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