Oleksii Hromov, deputy chief of the central operations department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, announced this during the briefing, Ukrinform reports.
"The aggressive rhetoric of the military-political leadership of russia and Belarus is intensifying, accompanied by the deployment of a regional grouping of the troops of the so-called allied state. The threat of the offensive being resumed by russia on the northern front is growing. This time, the direction of the offensive may be changed to the west of the Ukrainian-Belarusian border to cut the main logistical arteries of the supply of weapons and military equipment to Ukraine from partner countries. On the territory of Belarus, measures are being taken to deploy aviation units, units of other military branches, and russia's forces at the relevant airfields and military infrastructure facilities, including those transferred under full control to the armed forces of russia," Hromov said.
He also noted that covert mobilization measures are being carried out in Belarus, and the Belarusian leadership continues to provide territory for launching russian ballistic missiles and drones.
In particular, russia has deployed MiG-31 aircraft at Belarusian airfields, which can be armed with Kalibr cruise missiles, says Hromov. He confirmed that the General Staff was constantly monitoring this situation.
"Currently, measures are being taken to ensure reliable cover of the state border and the city of Kyiv from the northern direction. Suppose the enemy decides to open a so-called second front to conduct offensive actions from the Republic of Belarus. In that case, we will be ready for an adequate response," the representative of the General Staff assured.
As reported, recent satellite photos show that more russian equipment and troops have arrived at the Zyabrivka military airfield near the Belarusian border with Ukraine.
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