US expressed confidence that russia was using Iranian drones in Ukraine

The United States of America has no doubts about the origin of the kamikaze drones that russia is actively and massively using against Ukraine

This is discussed in the statement of the State Department, EP writes.

The USA made such a statement at a meeting of the UN Security Council and added that they were preparing sanctions against Iran.

It should be noted that the USA, Britain, and France jointly raised the issue of Iranian drones in Ukraine.

"We expressed our deep dismay at russia's purchase of these drones from Iran, contrary to UN Security Council Resolution 2231.

Back in July, the US began warning about Iran's plans to provide UAVs to russia for use in its barbaric war against Ukraine.

"We now have abundant evidence that these UAVs are being used to strike Ukrainian civilians and critical civilian infrastructure," the State Department said.

"As Iran continues to lie and deny providing weapons to Russia for use in Ukraine, we intend to work with allies and partners to prevent the transfer of dangerous weapons to russia,"

We will not hesitate to apply sanctions and other appropriate tools against all those involved in this process," the communique emphasized.

The State Department also added that the United States would continue to provide Ukraine with large-scale military assistance, including air defense equipment, to defend itself against this new threat.

We will remind you that for almost two weeks, russia repeatedly attacked Ukrainian cities with cruise missiles and Iranian kamikaze drones, trying to damage the energy infrastructure.

For this, the russian federation uses kamikaze drones, which experts identify as Iranian Shahed-136, and russian forces use them under the name Geran.

Tehran has repeatedly denied the transfer of drones to russia. The White House considers Iran's denials untrue.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs officially accused Iran of complicity in the aggression against Ukraine.

We will remind you that the head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, Dmytro Kuleba, submitted a proposal to the president to sever diplomatic relations with Iran. head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, Dmytro Kuleba, submitted a proposal to the president to sever diplomatic relations with Iran.

He also stated that Ukraine is ready to hand over a "bag of evidence" to EU countries that have doubts about russia's use of Iranian drones.

According to media reports, russia has also signed an agreement with Iran to supply surface-to-surface missiles in addition to drones. russia has also signed an agreement with Iran to supply surface-to-surface missiles in addition to drones.

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