US Secretary of State believes putin has fallen into despair

The latest decisions of the russian dictator, which led to the failure of mass mobilization in russia, as well as his declaration of "martial law" in the territories over which he is rapidly losing control, indicate that putin has fallen into despair.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated this in an interview with ABC News.

"I think it's another sign of putin's desperation," the state department chief commented.

Blinken explained that only in the last few weeks putin has tried to mobilize more forces and resorted to the attempt of the so-called "annexation" of Ukrainian territories.

"He's gone through with this sham annexation of Ukrainian territory now and saying that he's declaring martial law in places that he claims have people who somehow want to be part of russia that

speaks to his desperation," the US Secretary of State noted.

He emphasized that putin is resorting to attacks on the civilian population of Ukraine and indiscriminate bombing of power plants, schools, and hospitals. In this connection, Blinken called putin's decisions irrational. The US Secretary of State also answered questions about russian threats to use nuclear weapons.

"We've been very clear with president putin directly and privately about the severe consequences that would follow from any use of a nuclear weapon. We're watching this very, very carefully," the head of American diplomacy noted.

At the same time, he said that he sees no reason for the US to change its nuclear position.

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