EU has prepared new sanctions against Iran for military aid to russia — media

In a few days, the European Union plans to impose sanctions on Iranian individuals and legal entities due to the sale of arms to russia

Politico writes about this with reference to information from four officials and diplomats.

Because, as noted in the publication, these weapons are used in russia's war against Ukraine.

According to Politico, Brussels has already prepared a new sanctions list against Tehran.

One senior official said the new package was a "strong signal" to Tehran. In turn, another top official noted that such individual sanctions are faster to introduce than economic sanctions.

After all, economic ones will require a new legal framework and may have a small additional effect. Note that Iran is already under severe economic sanctions from the United States.

The new measures will be in addition to sanctions already agreed on Monday against Iran's "morality police" for brutally harassing and killing women and men still protesting against the ayatollah's regime.

We will remind you that EU diplomats will meet today in the so-called Relex group to agree on the last technical details of the sanctions package.

If there is an agreed solution, EU ambassadors can approve the new package as early as today. Otherwise, it could happen on Friday morning.

We will remind you that official Tehran continues to insist that it did not transfer weapons to russia, including kamikaze drones, which russia has recently used en masse against Ukraine.

The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Dmytro Kuleba, said that Ukraine is ready to hand over a "bag of evidence" to EU countries that have doubts about russia's use of Iranian drones.

According to media reports, russia has also signed an agreement with Iran to supply surface-to-surface missiles in addition to drones.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs officially accused Iran of complicity in the aggression against Ukraine.

In addition, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs suggested President Zelensky sever diplomatic relations with Iran.

Also, according to the media, Iranian instructors arrived in occupied Crimea to teach russians how to fly drones.

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