The head of the Office of the President, Andrii Yermak, reported:
"Another large-scale exchange of prisoners was carried out today. It was particularly emotional and extraordinary. We freed 108 women from captivity. It was the first all-female exchange. The prisoners were mothers and daughters, who were very much awaited by their relatives. 37 are evacuees from the Azovstal steelworks, 11 officers, 85 are privates, and sergeants," he wrote.
Yermak clarified that of them, 35 defenders are from the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 32 are from Ukraine's Navy, 12 are from Ukraine's Territorial Defense, eight are from Ukraine's National Guard, including two from the Azov regiment, five are from Ukraine's State Special Transport Service, four are from Ukraine's Border Guard Service, and 12 are civilians.
Among those released were women illegally imprisoned in the ORDLO and captured even before the large-scale invasion.
People have been in prison in pseudo-republics since 2019 for their "too pro-Ukrainian position," which was expressed in the transportation of humanitarian aid for orphans, fabricated "espionage," and "terrorism."
"It was a tense exchange. Too many details and moments could affect the process and change its course. During exchanges, there are always many risks that must be calculated from the moment of preparation and during the process itself. There is no right to make a mistake. It is the President's task to return everyone, and it depends on the clear actions of the team for our people to get at home. I was confident in the result because our algorithm of actions is well calculated, and a better team handles the exchange," Yermak wrote.
According to him, all the women will undergo a medical examination and rehabilitation. They will hug their relatives and their children and recover.
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