EU creates military training mission for Ukraine

The EU's Foreign Affairs Council formally decided to launch the EU Military Assistance Mission to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine at a meeting in Luxembourg.

The website of the European Council reports:

"The Council today agreed to set up a Military Assistance Mission in support of Ukraine (EUMAM Ukraine). The aim of the mission is to contribute to enhancing the military capability of Ukraine's Armed Forces to effectively conduct military operations, in order to allow Ukraine to defend its territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders, effectively exercise its sovereignty and protect civilians," the statement reads.

It is noted that EUMAM Ukraine will provide personal, collective, and specialized training for the Ukrainian Armed Forces, including the Territorial Defense Forces, and will coordinate and synchronize the efforts of member countries to train Ukrainian personnel.

"Today, we step up our support to Ukraine to defend itself from Russia's illegal aggression. The EU Military Assistance Mission will train the Ukrainian Armed Forces so they can continue their courageous fight. EUMAM is not just a training mission; it is clear proof that the EU will stand by Ukraine for as long as is needed," said EU High Representative Josep Borrell.

EUMAM Ukraine will operate on the territory of several European states. Its operational headquarters, which will coordinate the mission's activities at the strategic level, will be located on the European External Action Service in Brussels. The mission will be commanded by Vice-Admiral Hervé Bléjean (France), who heads the Military Planning and Conduct Capability (MPCC) within the EEAS.

The mission's mandate is designed for two years, and the amount of funding is 106.7 million euros. EUMAM Ukraine will also ensure coordination between EU member states in implementing measures to support Ukraine at the bilateral level and their coordination with other international partners. The mission will be open to the participation of third countries.

Read Rubryka's war timeline: the essential news of Ukraine's defense against russia's aggression and solutions to win.

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