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This was announced on Facebook by the Minister of Energy of Ukraine, Herman Halushchenko.
"The Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is de-energized again and runs on diesel generators. After all, the substation from which the only line connecting the ZNPP with the Ukrainian power system was powered was damaged.
It turned out that it was not enough for the russians to break the line itself to de-energize the nuclear plant. Now they are testing our ability to restore power stations quickly," the minister said.
"Such nuclear blackmail of a terrorist country should not go unresponded by the world community! Ukraine needs to protect the sky over its energy facilities!" Halushchenko stressed.
He also called on all Ukrainians to reduce electricity consumption during the day, especially during the evening peak hours — from 17:00 to 23:00.
"This will help to restore and maintain the stability of the energy system, which the russians are trying so hard to destroy," he explained.
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