russia faces increased logistics problems due to damage to Crimean bridge — British intelligence

Logistical problems faced by russian troops in southern Ukraine have worsened after the damage to the Crimean bridge.

The Ministry of Defense of Great Britain reports this on Twitter with reference to intelligence data.

"Logistical issues faced by russian forces in southern Ukraine have likely become more acute following damage to the Kerch Bridge on 08 October 2022. Repair efforts are ongoing, and it is open to some traffic. However, a large queue of waiting cargo trucks remains backed up near the crossing," the department said.

It is noted that russian forces in southern Ukraine are likely to increase the flow of logistical supplies through Mariupol in an attempt to compensate for the reduced capacity of the Kerch Bridge.

"With the russian presence in Kherson strained and the supply routes through Crimea degraded, the ground line of communication through Zaporizhzhia Oblast is becoming more important to the sustainability of Russia's occupation. The city of Melitopol is a junction of supply routes and hosts a major russian aviation presence," the department added.


On the morning of October 8, an explosion and fire were recorded on the Kerch (Crimea) bridge connecting russia and the temporarily occupied Crimea.

A freight train burned down on the railway part of the bridge, and part of the road surface collapsed on the road part.

The adviser to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Mykhailo Podolyak, called the fire and destruction of the Kerch Bridge a manifestation of the conflict between the FSB/private military companies and the Ministry of Defense/General Staff of russia.

According to residents, the crossing works only for trucks, and traffic on the bridge is organized with one intact lane.

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