Last external ZNPP power line was disconnected due to russian shelling

As a result of the russian shelling substations in the territory under Ukraine's control, the last ZNPP external power line was disconnected.

This was reported by Energoatom on Telegram.

"Today, October 17, russian terrorists once again fired at substations of critical infrastructure in the territory controlled by Ukraine, as a result of which at 03:59 the last communication line of 750 kV ZNPP – Dniprovska was disconnected," the message reads.

It is reported that due to a short-term voltage drop, the reserve transformer for the ZNPP's own needs was turned off, and the diesel generators were started.

In addition, the 750 kV communication line of the South Ukrainian NPP – Dniprovska was disconnected but without affecting the load of the SNPP.

"We once again appeal to the international community to urgently take measures for the demilitarization of the ZNPP as soon as possible, the withdrawal of all russian military personnel from the territory of the plant and the city of Enerhodar, and the return of the Zaporizhzhia NPP under the full control of Ukraine for the sake of the security of the whole world," Energoatom emphasized.


ZNPP, the largest nuclear power plant in Europe, has been seized by the russian military since March 4.

Since then, the invaders have placed military equipment and ammunition on the site of the station and shelled the surrounding area. The russians are also shelling the station itself, destroying power lines, causing the station's external power supply to be cut off, and blaming it on the Armed Forces.

In addition, the invaders kidnap and torture ZNPP workers. In particular, on October 10, the russians kidnapped the deputy general director of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, Valery Martyniuk, and on September 30, the ZNPP general director, Ihor Murashov. The latter was released from captivity on October 3.

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