This was stated on Friday by the Director of the Regional European Office of the WHO, Hans Kluge, at a press conference on the impact of the war on the health of the Ukrainian population, CNN reports.
According to him, the key priority of the WHO is an urgent response to these numerous attacks. Among other problems related to the escalation of the war, Kluge mentioned the future challenges that winter will bring.
"Wintertime challenges, and the recent escalation in fighting, could add to significant internal displacement with an anticipated two to three million people on the move in Ukraine itself as well as another exodus of refugees to surrounding countries…Consequently, there will be an even greater strain on health services both in Ukraine and refugee receiving countries," he said.
In addition, according to Kluge, mental health problems are likely to "exacerbate."
"Ten million people… are potentially at risk of mental disorders, including acute stress, anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and post-traumatic stress disorder," he said, noting that the assessment was made before the recent escalation in Ukraine.
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