He said this at a press conference in Astana (Kazakhstan) on October 14, UP writes.
"Now, 222,000 people have been mobilized out of 300,000 in the formation troops. I think all mobilization measures will be completed within two weeks," putin said.
At the same time, the russian president stated that the Ministry of Defense initially planned to gather a smaller number – not 300,000 people – through "partial mobilization."
According to putin, partial mobilization in the russian federation is coming to an end, and general mobilization is not planned.
"Nothing additional is planned. No proposals have been received from the Ministry of Defense in this regard, and I do not see the need for anything in the near future," he said.
Putin also stated that the "confusion" with mobilization is related to old accounting forms. The information base is already being updated, he said.
He also stated that 16,000 mobilized occupiers were already on the territory of Ukraine and "carrying out combat missions."
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